"Our Daily Blog" #21
Updated: Jun 10, 2020
"In the World but Not of It"
By Dr. Evonne Y. Blakey
John 17: 14-16 I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.(15) I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. (16) They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Over the last three months, our individual lives might have sometimes felt like being on a roller-coaster ride. First came COVID-19 which might have taken the lives of family members, friends,neighbors,co-workers, acquaintances, etc. COVID-19 also brought with it what is often referred to as the ”new normal". This “new normal” has us "sheltering in place",wearing masks and gloves, and "social- distancing". And, just as we thought our country/states/cities were about to begin to open up- just a little- BOOM! Racism once again raised its ugly head in the violent and cruel murder of George Floyd. (May He Rest In Peace.) Once again, we are advised to “stay home.” It is not "staying home" that is the really hard part but, staying home AND watching the news, seeing the violence, the chaos, the looting, etc., is both heartbreaking and devastating. We, like many other people, proclaim that we have Faith. However, as Ernest Holmes once said, “To banish your faith, in the times of trouble, proves that you had no faith to begin with.” I submit that it’s during times like these, that we must evidence the strength of our faith. So what should we be doing?
First: We must Meditate. We must go within, “be still and know” who and whose we are.“We are the Christ, the Son of the Living God within us! We are One with God, One with all Men, and One with the Universe."* Second: We must Evidence our Faith by watching the words we speak, governing the thoughts we think, and demonstrating our love for others by being kind, compassionate, and uplifting. Third: We must make every attempt to Be positive and optimistic, for our benefit and the benefit of those around us. It is imperative that we always expect the best outcome for every emerging situation. Finally; We must try to remember to set goals: To love ourselves and others unconditionally; To purposefully do something each day to grow spiritually; and, To find ways to share ourselves with others in positive and constructive ways. Remember: “There is not in this life, a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual walk with God!” Brother Lawrence( 1605-1691) "...When this ends may we find that we have become more like the people we wanted to be we were called to be we hoped to be and may we stay that way--better for each other because of the worst.
By Laura Kelly Fancucci
*"Guidelines to Inspired Living" by Roy Eugene Davis
Today's Our Daily blog is written by Omni-U Adjunct Faculty member Dr. Evonne Y. Blakey, founder of GLS (Growing, Loving, Sharing). Dr. Blakey is featured on "A Gathering of Griots- Part One" on Omni-U Presents: The H3O Art of Life television show. Please watch below.