America the Beautiful: Part Two
By Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace
Presented by Omni-University
"The problem of the Twentieth century is the problem of the color line." [1] William Edward Burghardt Du Bois
I recently received, from a trusted friend, a link which he claimed not to believe but, nonetheless, sent to me. After reviewing the approximately 21 minute "COVID-19 Genocide 2020" video[2] which featured Claire Edwards, a former "Services Officer for the U.N. 5/29/1999-3/28/2017",[3] I forwarded it to others on whom I often rely for "vetting". A reliable source responded by sending me a link to Reuters Fact Check[4] which seemed to be mainly focused on the misinformation regarding the COVID-19 related "information".
Another respondent, Fellow Omni-U faculty member, Rodney K. Strong, J.D., declared that:
"After 30 seconds I knew it was right wing propaganda...After viewing the video, several things were clear to me. This video is repeat[ing] disinformation which is both similar to and, in some cases, the same as the anti-globalist propaganda which has been circulating on the Right. White supremacist groups have trafficked in these conspiracy theories for a long time. The end game for the white supremacists is a civil war which will allow them to overturn the current Constitution because demographic changes threaten white supremacy."
The plausibility of Atty. Strong's argument was undeniable and I considered it in the context of the potential plausibility of the aforementioned propaganda piece, i.e , "COVID-19 Genocide 2020." I pondered the question of whether or not this or/and the deluge of like disinformation represent real threats or just wishful thinking. Having read, and contributed to an Anthology edited by KiarriT.-H. Cheatwood, entitled, "The Race: Matters Concerning Pan-Afrikan History Culture and Genocide", I tend to take the mention of these "matters" seriously. So, I felt compelled to look further the into the history of the issue(s).
One of the classic works of W. E. B. Du Bois, "The Souls of Black Folk" was already in print (1903) when the study conducted by Swedish Sociologist, Gunnar Myrdal, "An American Dilemma:The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy ", was published. Not only did this study identify "the Negro" as "The Problem" it also raised "the Negro Question", i.e., What to do with the Negro?"
It took the incisive minds of our Ancestors, Du Bois and Malcolm X to correctly define the American "problem" as color- coded. In "Message to the Grassroots"(1963), Malcolm X restated the obvious :
"America's problem is us... The only reason she has a problem is she doesn't want us here. And every time you look at yourself, be you black, brown, or yellow- or so- called Negro- you represent a person who poses such a serious problem for America because you're not wanted. Once you face this as a fact, then you can start plotting a course that will make you appear intelligent ,instead of unintelligent." [5]
It is both inconceivable and ludicrous that America could regard the presence of Black people here as a "problem" not only because we came "...Before Columbus"[6] as well as "Before the Mayflower" [7] but also because it was our forebears "upon whose backs and labors have been built the wealth of The continents of Europe, America, and Africa..."[8]. In fact our Ancestors were the principal people who made America beautiful. Yet, we have yet to fully benefit from the fruits of their labors. And, it cannot be over- emphasized that as the indigenous people on the planet, we have the right to be here. Thus, we will "Keep the Faith"[9] even though the "Good" and "Brotherhood", with which America has been crowned, has been/is being so often denied us :
"We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space
But you can bet your life times that and twice its double
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed..." [10]
Finally, It must be remembered that slavery and freedom are antonyms. Democracy and slavery, i.e. Slaveocracy- could not mutually co-exist in Greece nor did it "long endure"[11] in early America because as declared in Mark 3:25, "And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand". Thus, no matter how much- or how often- our adversaries engage in wishful thinking, this state of affairs can never be expected to succeed.
In "America the Beautiful, Part One", another colleague, Omni-U Faculty member, Rev. Denise Tracy lamented: "What I now know is that People of Color have been right all along. These past four years have taught me that being polite and neutral and silent [are] not in anyone’s best interest. We need constructive images of action." In the final analysis, as Ancestor Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cautioned us: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."[12]
Blog Notes
[1]W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Souls of Black Folk"
[2]"COVID-19 Genocide 2020" video [3] Reuters Fact Check
[4] Op Cit, Reuters Fact Check
[5] "Message to the Grassroots" Speech by Malcolm X
[6] Ancestor Ivan Van Sertima, "They Came Before Columbus"
[7] Ancestor Lerone Bennett, Jr., "Before the Mayflower"
[8] Ancestor Dr. Margaret T.G. Burroughs "What Shall I Tell My Children Who Are Black?"
[9] Ancestor Cong. Adam Clayton Powell
[10]"As" Written and performed by Stevie Wonder
[11] Abraham Lincoln" The Gettysburg Address"
[12]Ancestor Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"