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Ancestor Hannibal Tirus Afrik: Visionary, Builder, and Master Teacher

By Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace 

Presented by Omni-U Virtual University

In a recent essay, “How El Hajj Malik El Shabazz Got His Wings,” author/activist,

AbdudDharr Abdullah implored:

I pray that we take action, as a collective, and do what is required to change the prevailing conditions that are sewing so much misery in the lives of the people and wreaking havoc on the planet having adverse effects on every form of life existing thereon. I am fully confident that the major chaos that is happening now in the world will soon come to an end. It will be done through the agency of those men and womyn who commit, dedicate and devote themselves to pleasing the One Who exercises full-command and complete, total control over all things. Thus, i do what i can to encourage people to submit to that One so that we can transform this world into the place it was created to be.”

The unwavering commitment of our Black Shining Prince, Ancestors El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, and our African  King, Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik, to the Liberation of African people remained steadfast throughout their earthly sojourns. It is our sacred duty to continue, as well as to evolve, the work they undertook on behalf of our Community. It is also our obligation to continue the struggle for liberation- to stay the course they charted.

We are privileged to have known and been mentored by their examples. We are indebted to them for the sacrifices they made for us.


The following  is a “Tribute to Ancestor  Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik, Master Teacher and Institute Builder” written by Jamila Barbara Onyeali, former Presiding Elder of the  Bolozi Wazee Council of Elders:

We, the Bolozi Wazee Council of Elders of the Shule Ya Watoto [school for children], have been truly honored to have received Baba Hannibal’s wise counsel and his unyielding leadership… He trained and enstooled each of us as Community Elders and gave African names to Mzees[ Elders]: Aminata Short, Amina Mayo, Kambon Johnson, Soyini Najwa, Kalonji Pates, Ayoka Sevanhu, Nantambu Johnson, and Koumba Johnson. He commissioned us to be guardians of the culture, the tradition, and the history of African People and to serve as a link between the past and present."

According to the sacred Husia, our esteemed leader has qualified for the highest of human qualities and spiritual divinity. His many scholarly works have awakened African people at home and abroad. His message, mandated by the Ancestors, resonates with us today.

Baba Hannibal said: “Nation-building should be the only reason for our existence, individually and collectively. How can we call ourselves Nationalists when we have still failed to create a model of new communities? It’s not about Hannibal, pro or con, it’s about doing the work of building a sovereign New African Nation-State in our lifetime. Anything else is hypocrisy, deception, and collaboration with our historical enemies. I do not intend to compromise on the principles and values of nation-building. When you have chastised me to slow down, my response has always been, 'I’ll step back when others step up."

Baba Hannibal devoted 50 years of his life to the Black Liberation Struggle. Now he [has] joined our Ancestral African Warriors who preferred liberation over subjugation. May he take his rightful place with the Creator and Ancestors: Brother Minister Malcolm X/El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Queen Mother Moore, Sister Harriet Tubman, Martin Robeson Delaney, and others. 

Now that he is our revered Ancestor, we can rejoice in his transition for, indeed, he has demonstrated good speech and deep thought which will remain in our consciousness for as long as the sun shines and the waters flow.

In the final analysis, we believe with Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik: 


"Together we will win!"

Recommended Readings 

Dr. Authens Asantewaa Oppong Wadie, Editor and Compiler and Ancestor Bart McSwine.The Eternal Year of African People.

Ancestor Tony Martin. Race First.

Ancestor Alex Haley and Ancestor  Malcolm 

X. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. 

George Breitman. Malcolm X  Speaks. 

George Sullivan. In Their Own  Words: Harriet Tubman 

Recommended Viewing:

Reflections on the Life of an Icon: Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik, Part 1.”

Featuring: Mzee Jamila Barbara Onyeali; Ancestor Chaplin Rasheed Akbar; and Dr. Harold Pates


“Reflections on the Life of An Icon: Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik,” Part 2”. Featuring  Ancestor Useni Eugene Perkins 

Baba Hannibal Tirus Afrik/ Naming Ceremony

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