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The H3O/Art of Life Blog

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Combating COVID-19: "The Missing Links"

Updated: Dec 12, 2020

By Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace

Presented by Omni-University

Most of us find ourselves drowning in a tsunami of "information" about what are arguably the most prevalent words in mass media: "Pandemic" and "Covid-19". There seems to be no way to escape getting the "news" even if you, yourself, avoid it like the "Coronavirus". I have learned to accept the inevitability that the myriads of forces who are hell- bent on making up our minds will continue to persist. But, getting information does not always mean that one is informed. Remember the caution in Proverbs 4:7: Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Like almost everyone else, I receive countless messages which include links that purport to divulge the real deal about "what's going on". Occasionally, I "Fact check" the really outrageous claims. However, I have found that the most effective practice is to rely on the people we have reason to trust because of their truth records, .ie., those who have already proven to have the best interests of our community at heart.

It has been my good fortune to have known such persons and to have either experienced them personally and/or to have read their writings. Thus, when my goal is to Know "what's going on, I'm well aware not only of those from whom I should seek information, but also those whom I should avoid like the "Coronavirus".

The health of those of us who have been- and continue to be- subjected to prolonged exposure to PTSD, i.e., Perpetual Traumatic Slavery Disorder, is undermined by Pre-Existing Conditions. The result is that the Black Community is more greatly impacted by everything associated with the "Covid-19 Pandemic ". And since, as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. has repeatedly warned us: "Nobody is going to save us but us", it is incumbent upon US to do more than just follow the External directives: "wear a mask, shelter in place, wash your hands, don't touch your face"...

And now, in addition to "social distancing ", various vaccines are being promoted. Unfortunately, it is not possible to "Fact Check" these pharmaceutical products because, due to their infancy, they don't yet have a track record. But, whether it is really advisable to participate in this "trial and error experiment" remains at issue in "communities of color". This is especially true of the Black community, many of whose members have not gotten over the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment on Black men [1] or those of J. Marion Sims MD, the lauded "Father of Gynecology" on Black "slave" women.[2] In, fact, Dr. Elaine R. Ferguson attributes "Iatrophobia", Black people's fear of doctors, (iatros- healer; phobia-fear) to malpractices such as these.

It has been said that the most formidable weapon against error of every kind, is truth."[3]. John 8:32 KJV And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

In the following episode of "The H3O Art of Life Show", "Reframing Health Care", Dr. Lemont Freeman, Dr. Hugh A. Jenkins, and Dr. Lester Wright have been called upon to provide the Missing Links to the COVID-19 Pandemic- Health and Healing. You are invited to view "Reframing Healthcare" an episode of The H3O Art of Life Show, featuring: Dr. Lemont Freeman, Dr. Hugh A. Jenkins, and Dr. Lester Wright.

Blog Notes: [1] "Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" by James H. Jones [2] "Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and The Origins of American Gynecology" by Deirdre Cooper Owens. "The Harlem Hospital Story: 100 Years of Struggle Against Illness, Racism and Genocide"

by A. Peter Bailey [3]"The Age of Reason" by Thomas Paine Recommended Reading: "SUPER HEALING" by Dr. Elaine R. Ferguson MD "NUTRICIDE: The Nutritional Destruction of the Black Race" by Dr. Laila O. Afrika "The Harlem Hospital Story: 100 Years of Struggle Against Illness, Racism, and Genocide" by A. Peter Bailey

"Confessions of a Medical Heretic" by Robert S. Mendolsohn, M.D. "Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment" by James H. Jones "Medical Bondage: Race, Gender, and the Origins of American Gynecology" by Deirdre Cooper Owens

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