"Our Daily Blog" #4
Updated: Jun 5, 2020
"Sustainability" Part Three
By Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace
Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. We live in a society in which the main focus seems to be getting. Too little of the attention of the Quality as well as the Tasked[1], is given to keeping that which has been gotten. Sustainability, therefore, ought to be a priority for any nation that expects to "long endure"[2]. The most enduring civilizations ever to occupy the planet ascribed to "building for eternity". Hence, the African pyramids remain intact while what remains of Greek and Roman architecture is in "ruins". Yet, despite this historical evidence, one of the cornerstones of our present economy is "planned obsolescence". This is the socially- approved policy of engineering and/or constructing things to have a "shelf life". And, in the event that they don't wear out on their own, they are either disposed of or intentionally rendered out-of-style by design. This not only affects the production of motor vehicles and fashions, cell phones and electronics, but more significantly, it applies to institutions and systems. The shutdown pandemic that we are experiencing now is the consequence of this "plan". For nothing can “long endure" that is not also "built to last". Now, almost everything we've learned to rely upon on life- support systems as parts of our country make plans to re-open for "business as usual". It is self-evident that this is not a wise move to make given the risks that have already been identified. It is also self-evident that depending only upon external things, i.e. jobs, is very "risky business" Fortunately, for us forewarned is forearmed. It is late, but not too late to free ourselves from the “unwisdom"[3] that got us into this predicament. There is still time to plan and to adopt a time-honored way of life-a culture. Our forebears understood that institutions are in the people: Education is in the people. The children are taught the way of life as well as of "making a living" [4] in tandem with their kinship group as they live and work together in the community. Their spirituality is not separate from, but is an integral part, of their daily lives. Our forebears understood that it is people -not buildings - who make institutions. Our ancestors also recognized that plagues and famines were signs that we have gotten out of harmony with the Will of the Most High. So, together they sought to learn, from The Beneficent One, what they needed to do to restore the perpetual beneficence that was, like the Spirit, Omnipresent. Let us go forward as we worship God" in wisdom and in truth".[5] Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am the God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the righteousness of my right hand.
( To read from the beginning, click here.)
[1] Tah-Nahesi Coates, “The Water Dancer”
[2] Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg Address”
[3] Sonja Sanchez, “Speak the Truth to the People”
[4] Carter G. Woodson "The Mis-Education of the Negro"
[5]John 4:24
"I'm looking at the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways, and no message could have been any clearer, If you want to make the world a better place, Take a look at yourself, and then make a change."
"Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson
Thank you, Dr. Peace, for correcting the misinformation in my comment. I see that my knowledge of ancient history needs a major updating. There is always so much to learn, and it seems like H3O is an important educational resource.
Hi Jodi, (jellibretti) this is Dr. Peace. It's wonderful to see you here. I'd love to deliver the "sustainability" message to the UUCC. Thank you for suggesting this. Let's talk off line about it.
I'm so happy that you read the post and gave such a heartfelt comment. I wholeheartedly agree with your statement that "a society/culture that achieves its magnificence by depriving others of their freedom will fall and disappear". It is a common misconception though, that the Pyramids were built with slave labor. Please allow me to share with you an article that I think you'll find informative on this topic.
More in depth analysis can be found in the works of scholar Dr. Josef Ben Levi.…
Thanks 🙏🏽 for the inspiration.
Dr. Peace, this would make a good sermon topic for UUCC. Please consider delivering your sustainability message (I would be happy to collaborate with you). Good to see the words of Sonja Sanchez. I wonder if the fact that the pyramids still stand but not the culture of ancient Egypt (which built the structures using the toil and sweat of enslaved people) is significant. I have always interpreted this to mean that a society/culture that achieves "magnificence" by depriving others of their freedom will ultimately fall and disappear.
Love this!!!