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The H3O/Art of Life Blog

Writer's pictureThe H3O/Art of Life Blog

We The People

By Dr. Gloria. Latimore-Peace 

Presented by Omni-U Virtual University

We began today's H3O Art of Life offering, “We The People,” with the Libation  created for the Bolozi Wazee Council of Elders by Ancestor Bro.Hannibal Tirus Afrik.(1)

The “We The People” H3O Art of Life Blog is introduced with an African Commandment quoted by Ancestor Bro. Babu Atiba:(2)

“A person who knows 

not and knows not that they know not is foolish. Disregard him;

A person who knows not and knows that they know not is simple. Teach him;

A person who knows not and knows not that they know not is asleep. Awaken him;

A person who knows not a believes that they know is dangerous. Avoid him;

A person who knows and knows that he knows is wise. Follow  him.

All these persons reside in you.Know Thyself and to thyself be true ro Maat” 

In the celebrated poem, What Shall I Tell My Children Who Are Black?...”, Ancestor  Dr. Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs gave us a resounding response to the call to “do something” which was recently repeated  by the former First Lady. Because our

Queen Mother recognized, early on, that we do not live by electoral politics  alone, she took it upon herself to  arm Us,her children, with the truth. This is especially important  to remember during this season because it the Truth - not the outcome of an  election- that will make us free. 

In the H3O Art of Life Show, “Framing Reality: The Role of Propaganda” Prof. Hunter Havlin Adams III, Author of the upcoming book, “We Were Never Slaves,” rephrased an ancient adage: “Until the Lion has his own storyteller, the hunter will always win.”

Ourstory began ages ago, long before the “hunters” appeared on the scene in what Ancestor Cheikh Anta Diop's “Two Cradle Theory” designated as the “Northern Cradle”. Whereas, based on the research  findings of LSB Leakey and others, human life  had its origins millions of years before in Africa, i.e., the “Southern cradle,” where the people thrived having been provided with” all of the good things of nature.” [3]  Therefore, it should strike Us as strange that We-  the Earth's indigenous humans-  are ,as Artist Debra Hand recently observed   “ the only ones who have ever had to prove that we are human.”

Contemplate, if you can,the idea  that the late-comers on the planet still continue  to try tell Us, their Elders,  who we are.  If   that part of the hunters’ “history”  don't beat all, it   comes mighty close. However, what makes the hunters’ story  even more insidious is  their relentless efforts to de-humanize Us - to blot out our Ourstory entirely; especially the “... way- back time of  [African] Kings and Kings Who ruled the Nile and raised the Pyramids Who measured the stars and discovered the laws of mathematics,

And who developed music, medicine and  the law,,,[4]

Not only were  African people the Earth's original humans, they inhabited every land mass on the planet. In addition, they were  seasoned sailors/navigators who frequently traveled to and  from Africa to what was previously called "Turtle Island" by those of Us who lived there before the hunters came. That our ancestors had no need to be taken anywhere is also well-

documented by the research findings of:

Lorenzo Turner, “Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect”; John G. Jackson. “Man, God, and Civilization” (Chapter on Ancient America); Ivan Van Sertima “They Came Before Columbus” Lerone Bennett Jr., “Before the Mayflower” and Dr. Walter A. McCray, “The Black Presence in the Bible,” et al.

“Know Thyself“ was indelibly inscribed on the Pyramids because our Ancestors knew that  it was the most essential thing We would ever need to do.They accurately foresaw that there would come a time when “forces would divide us” by their unrelenting attempts to erase  and/or, redact  Ourstory and rob Us of our birthright.


Among the weapons that have been formed against Us were those that  attempt to obfuscate our presence in antiquity. Thus, a huge debt of gratitude is owed to  Rev. Dr. Walter A. McCray, author or The Black Presence in the Bible  for his ehaustive research which firmly establishes Our  way-back time all the way up to -and including-  Adam and Eve. We are beholden, also, to the many others

who have helped us to discover our True identity- to see Ourselves we can be Ourselves. 

Never again can we allow Ourselves to   be reduced from Kunta Kinte to Toby or to acquiesce to the hunters’ demands that We The People, prove that We are human.  We must liberate Ourselves and Our Progeny  from the bondage of false and misleading  narratives  in order that We may  “come through life's adversities as whole human beings unwarped in this world of biased laws and inhuman practices…”[5 ]

It is our sacred duty to “Know Ourselves,” to “know the truth of our heritage” - which has long since been self-evident -and to live accordingly. 

“For what  shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (6) Likewise , what is the value of vesting so much of Our confidence in the ideas - such as “freedom”- as defined by the hunters. What form of “freedom” can be realized by assuming  the false identities that they have  imposed upon us , labels such as:

“ beings of an inferior order.“(7)

Not only is re-claiming Our birthright an imperative, We must also recognize that Our Humanity is inextricably bound to our Divinity. Above and beyond all else, let Us give thanks to the Most High for entrusting Us with the gift of this rare and precious human birth.


[1] Sifa Ote Ina Muumba Weusi, All praise is due to our Black Creator; 

Sifa Ote Ina Mababa Weusi, All praise  is due to our Black Ancestors 

Sifa Ote Ina Taifa Weusi, All praise is due to our Black  Nation; 

Sifa Ote Ina Wote Weusi, All praise is due to our Black People.

[3] Jomo Kenyatta. Facing Mt. Kenya.

[4] Dr. Margaret TG Burroughs.  Life with Margaret: The Official Autobiography.

[5] op cit, Burroughs 

[6] Mark 8:36 KJV

[7] Dredd Scott v Sanford (1857)

Recommended Readings: 

Chancellor Williams. The Destruction of Black Civilization 

George G. M. James. Stolen Legacy

Dr. Authens Asantewaa Oppong Wadie and

Dr. Bartley McSwine, Co-Editors & Compilers.The Eternal Year of African People.

Richard Williams. They Stole It But You Must Return It. 

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