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The H3O/Art of Life Blog

Writer's pictureThe H3O/Art of Life Blog


By Debra Hand

Presented by Omni-U Virtual University

Today's H3O Art of Life Blog, "WE the PEOPLE-too,” is an audio narration of the text-on-canvas artwork created by Museum- collected Artist, Debra Hand She  SPEAKS profoundly for Us, to Us, and to the rest of humanity! This audio/ visual work of art was exhibited at the Peoria Riverfront Museum in conjunction with the "American Verses" Exhibit which featured work by renowned artist Ancestor Terry Adkins; as well as the iconic Black artists Mark Bradford and Kerry James Marshall. The show was curated by the Museum's Chief Curator, Bill Conger.

We're also sharing the link to “Journey to the Edge of the Observable Universe,” a recent video introduced to us by Artist Debra Hand with the following reflection:

“Things I look at to teach me that I can trust GOD who shows me HIS LOVE and Grace as if I have great signifigance to HIM even in the theme of HIS grand design and scheme.”  

We invite you to view and listen to these unique presentations:

“Journey to the Edge of the Observable Universe”

As always, we welcome your comments and appreciate your support as you continue to share our content with your family and friends by whatever means are available to you. Thank you.

Dr. Gloria Latimore-Peace

Creator, The H3O Art of Life Blog

Host and Producer, The H3O Art of Life Show

Founder, Omni-U Virtual University

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